Friday, November 11, 2016

Why We Stand; Opportunity

 Why We Stand; Opportunity

In the past few months we have heard and watched as many refuse to stand in an act of protest toward our country. Many claim that society has been unfair or unjust to them, they have been oppressed, they disagree with the political structure within our country, or that they deserve more. We appreciate all of these sentiments and want to explain why we stand. We stand because we have the opportunity to do so.
  1. We have the opportunity to live in a country that gained its freedom from a monarchy that would not hear the civil arguments put forth in our Declaration of Independence. Our founders did not want to leave their beloved England’s rule, and when Britain brought in their military might to force its will upon the colonies, a people without a government and a military  stood and fought for the freedoms and opportunities that we now enjoy. Our declaration is beautifully worded to show that our founders believed that ALL deserved certain inalienable rights endowed by our Creator.
  1. We have the opportunity to have the Constitution that sets forth for a new nation guidelines that balances and restricts the powers of a federal government and gives in writing the power to WE the People. We live in a democratic republic because of the wisdom of our founding fathers, and their concern for their posterity.
  2. We have the opportunity to have Bill of Rights that gives in writing certain rights that government cannot infringe upon. We have the opportunity to read and study the aforementioned documents. If the government is chipped or broken we have the opportunity to fix it.
  3. We have the opportunity to live in a country that was in the lead culturally to abolish slavery and work towards equal civil rights for men and women.
  4. We had the opportunity to expand as a nation. We cannot judge our past on current beliefs or sentiments. We had the opportunity
  5. We have the opportunity to live in a country where we do have the right to voice our disagreements with our government, and have the opportunity to select or deny them through elections. We do so civilly and respectfully.
  6. We have the opportunity to live in a country where when there has been a mistake made, we admit it, find a resolution, and move forward.
  7. We have the opportunity to live in a country where we all have the right of a free public education.
  8. We have the opportunity to live in a country that after two hundred and forty years we are still leaders in food, energy, manufacturing, technology, entrepreneurship, science, education, medicine...and the military that is represented with us today.
  9. Our military has provided support for the world in times of madness.
  10. Our military has won wars and given the reigns of leadership to men and women of those countries to lead.
  11. Our military on a moment’s notice stands for us against enemies seen and unseen.

We DO NOT live in a perfect nation, and no one has ever said that our nation is perfect. We DO live in a nation where rugged individualism CAN go hand in hand with teamwork and collaboration, where strength partners with compassion, and when communication is civil and respectful our voices are heard more readily. We live in a nation of opportunity! We live in a nation that when the flag is presented we stand, when the pledge is said we stand, when the National Anthem is sung we stand, and when our service members are presented we stand.

Why? Because we have the opportunity, and they have sacrificed for that opportunity!